The Vila of Calheta as viewed from the harbor
Island of São Jorge. Photo: Daniel Veira
Looking towards Fajã dos Vimes

ANNE MCCLARD earned her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Brown University in 2005. Until recently, Anne worked as an applied anthropologist in the technology industry in the field of interaction design. Butterfly Dreams is her first novel. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her ninety-five-year-old mother, husband, daughter, and two dogs.

A note from the author: I was inspired to write Butterfly Dreams from time I spent living in the Azores doing research on the cultural significance of the annual festival cycle many years ago. The novel is wholly fictitious, set in no time, but Ordinary Time. None of the events depicted or characters I describe are real. The places are actual places though, and the geography of the island of São Jorge plays a starring role in my story. If you feel a hankering for any of the delicious foods mentioned in the story, I hope you will try some of the recipes I post.


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